4 min read

4 Reasons to Spoil Your Cat with Drop-In Visits


Cats are not just small dogs with their independent natures and quirky behaviors. But maybe they’re not so different after all when it comes to having company. Our little purr-balls need human contact and attention, and they benefit from socialization, as dogs do. This helps them to be better behaved and more well-adjusted overall, especially if they’re alone a major part of every day while you’re at work, school, or play.

Enter the drop-in cat sitter, a type of pet caregiver that can come to your home to spend 30 minutes or more with your little lioness. Feeding or changing the litter can be part of the visit, but most important is the playing, cuddling and training that can make such a difference in your kitty's day. Your purr-fect feline will feel extra-special while you can rest easy knowing they’re getting some play and cuddle time while you’re away from home.

Let’s take a look at why drop-in visits can spoil your cat in the best possible ways!

Gray tabby cat hiding under a blanket - 4 Reasons to Spoil Your Cat With a Drop-In Visit

Help your cat beat the blues

While kitties may appear to need less attention, the truth is they can get lethargic and depressed from loneliness and worry. They may stop eating normally, or they might hide and stop interacting with their humans. They don’t  know it, but they’re sending a message asking to be noticed. 

On the other hand, your fluffy furiend may exhibit signs of anxiety, such as hiding, especially if there are outdoor noises like traffic or other apartment-dwellers to contend with. Or they might become agitated and needy. Separation anxiety is a real thing with cats, and they may send signals to you via indoor accidents, poor appetite, shredding the furniture, or acting out in other troublesome ways.

Arranging drop-in visits with a caring cat sitter can break up the day for a depressed feline and give them something to look forward to. Time with another person can distract them from their loneliness and relieve the boredom that can lead to depression, anxiety, and bad behavior. And while cats may subsist on food and water if left alone for several days, they need care and attention, too.

Gray tabby cat playing with a cat toy

Give your cat some exercise

Most living creatures need to move, whether it’s to seek food or stay safe. Our indoor cats are no exception – their ancestors roamed the forests and plains in search of shelter and meat, but modern domesticated cats usually need stimulation to move their bodies. Unlike dogs, our purr-babies like to get their exercise in bursts, and while they are typically most active at sunrise and sunset, an extra middle-of-the-day workout will benefit their health, state of mind, and sleep quality.

Cats like to chase things, and while there are toys that move when a cat bats at them, many of the most tempting playtime items need a human hand to operate them. Laser pointers made for cats need someone to push the button and move the red dot; feather teasers aren’t much fun unless they’re flitting around like a bird. And wind-up toys need to be, well, wound up. 

Drop-in visits are purr-fect times to play and get some painless exercise in. An energetic human wielding an elusive wind-up mouse or wiggling a feather teaser in front of your kitty's nose can get them up and moving when they might otherwise have just hung around and become couch potatoes. Whether it’s gentle or rigorous, exercise with someone to play with is a pawsome thing!

Black and white cat crying for attention

Keep an eye on your needy feline

If you worry about what’s going on with your sick furball, or you have a kitty who's been getting on in years, you know how hard it can be to leave them alone. Older cats may become confused and forget where their food and water , or even their litter box, should be. 

Cats that are sick may not have the energy to get up and eat or drink water, potentially making their condition worse. Many people don’t have the ability to go home during the day to check in on these purrers and make sure they’re doing okay. 

If your ill or aging cat needs medication, a cat sitter who’s trained to administer oral or injectable meds can be sure they get their doses while you’re away from home. This is important for certain conditions like diabetes and infections that require meds at regular intervals for them to be effective. In these cases, if you’re going to be away overnight, a 24-hour in-house sitter through Wag! may prove to be a good solution.

Brown tabby cat shaking paw with human

Teach your cat a new trick

Are you attempting to train your cat to walk with a leash or tolerate a cat carrier so you can take Fluffy outdoors in nice weather? Are they having trouble with litter training and need frequent reminders? Do they bite or scratch unexpectedly, and need some reinforcement to change that behavior? Training a feline fluffer to do anything requires patience and repetition. The more often you can fit in some training steps, the more likely you’ll be successful. 

That’s where a drop-in sitter can help. By following your instructions on what you’re trying to get the kitty to do and where you are in the process, they can reinforce training with your cat to keep the task familiar. Many cat sitters have special experience and training in behavioral therapy and positive reinforcement, and they can be a significant partner in training your cat. 

These are just a few of the reasons to spoil your cat with drop-in visits. Others may include dealing with unexpected events like injuries or illnesses, assessing and dealing with chronic pain, keeping an eye on kittens, or noticing symptoms of a growing problem. 

Some social, non-aggressive cat breeds to consider for drop-in visits are Ragdolls, American shorthairs, Persians and Burmese, along with many others. A little research into your cat’s breed and temperament will help you decide if drop-in visits are for them.

Find out how drop-in sitters with Wag! can help you make your cat’s day more lively and relieve you of worry. It’s quick and easy to set up, and your cat will purr in approval!

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