20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Dog Names

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First published in French in 1869-1870, the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, follows the adventures of Dr. Pierre Aronnax and his loyal manservant Conseil as he searches for a mysterious sea monster and is taken for an incredible journey under the ocean as directed by the enigmatic Captain Nemo, and accompanied by the hot-headed master harpooner, Ned Land. Considered by many to be one of the world’s first science fiction novels, many of the fictional innovations described in the book later became reality in one way or another and its themes of freedom, vengeance, and even ecology are still relevant today. 

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Dog Names in Pop Culture

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Dog Name Considerations

Choosing the right name for your specific pet is an important responsibility and in many cases, a very positive experience. A good name for your dog is one that is easy for you and your household to pronounce clearly and consistently and one that the dog is able to clearly hear and differentiate between that and their most common commands. When choosing a name from this iconic story, there are many ways to narrow down your options and choose exactly the right name for your specific canine. You could always choose the name of a favorite character such as Nemo, Ned, or even Conseil, possibly fitting the dog's personality to the character, or you could choose a particularly picturesque or meaningful location within the book, picking a name like Crespo, Sargasso, or Atlantis. Your dog’s appearance may influence your decision as well choosing a name like Coal for a black dog or Pearl for a white one. Many of the animals and other sights that are mentioned in the novel make excellent names as well, such as Maelstrom, Spider, or Shark, and since the original language of the book was French, there is some French on the list as well, with names such as Vengeur and Calamar. 

Male 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Dog Names

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The Abraham Lincoln was the ship sent to research the sinking of the Scotia
The captain of the Scotia, the ship whose sinking sent Dr. Arronnaxo on his quest
Dr. Pierre Aronnax, the narrator, is a doctor, scientist, and lecturer asked to join the search for the sea monster
The men are run off the island in the Torres Strait by a tribe of cannibals
Captain Nemo
A brilliant but emotional man who speaks to the men in perfect French
Captain Nemo converts coal to sodium to create electricity to power his submarine
Aronnax’s deeply devoted domestic servant
The men hunt under the ocean at the edges of Crespo Island’s underwater forests
The wealthy and well-known Canadian ship-owner who was the owner of the Scotia
An large, slow-moving aquatic mammal that Ned Land harpoons as food for the crew
It is near these islands that Ned Land kills two whales in a single motion
Captain of the ship the Abraham Lincoln
The author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was Jules Verne
The Nautilus passed by the Keeling Islands, near Australia
An Island near India that is mentioned in the novel
The Abraham Lincoln was the ship sent to research the sinking of the Scotia
The three men end up on the Lofoten Islands after their escape from the Nautilus
The Nautilus is sucked in by a powerful whirlpool also known as a maelstrom
A renowned explorer of the ocean, published “The Physical Geography of the Sea” in 1855, which Verne utilized extensively
The monster Dr. Aronnax is hunting in the novel turns out to be the submarine known as the Nautilus
A passenger ship listed in the novel as being struck by an unidentified rock
A master harpooner who is an unwilling guest on the Nautilus
A unique area of the Northern Atlantic Ocean created by Gulf Stream currents in the area
Sharks are frequently featured in this underwater adventure tale
Gulf of Suez is the location of the Arabian Tunnel, a fictional undersea tunnel between the Mediterranean and Red Seas
One of the Solomon Islands that is visited by the Nautilus
The French word for avenger; the name of a sunken French ship Captain Nemo searches for and finds
The author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was Jules Verne
Vigo Bay is the location of several Spanish ships full of gold in the novel
Captain Nemo parks the Nautilus in the heated water from underwater volcanoes for a time

Female 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Dog Names

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“Look at this ocean, Dr. Aronnax, is it not endowed with an authentic life of its own?” -Captain Nemo
The men hunt pearls off the coast of Sri Lanka and save the life of a local pearl diver as well
It is at the mouth of the Amazon River that the loyal Conseil is bitten by a fish
Captain Nemo and Dr. Aronnax explore the ruins of Atlantis at the base of a volcano
Captain Nemo tries to save the Antarctic whales, which are a type of baleen whale, from the toothed sperm whales
The Abraham Lincoln originally departs from Brooklyn
The French word for Squid is calamar; the giant squid was considered mythical until caught on film in 2004
The men drink coconut milk on the island near the Torres Strait
The crewmen of the Nautilus who die are buried in a clearing in the middle of a magnificent coral reef
Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land escape the submarine in a dinghy
The French word for electric, as the submarine is powered by electric energy
The crew of the Nautilus took measurements of the polar ice cap of the South Pole on the Equinox
The name of the recently sunken ship that the Nautilus passes in December
Captain Nemo seeks freedom but restricts that of his captives
The Abraham Lincoln is a frigate ship
The Nautilus is stuck under an iceberg near the South Pole
Captain Nemo marks the start of their journey off the coast of Japan
The novel raises the question of justice versus vengeance
The weapon aboard the Nautilus is called a Leyden Ball
In the 1997 film adaption of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo has a daughter named Mara
The French word for Jellyfish, of which there are many featured in this adventure
Dr. Pierre Aronnax states that the sea monster is actually a huge narwhal
The submarine vessel designed by the mysterious Captain Nemo
Dr. Aronnax and Conseil are in Nebraska when they are summoned to assist the Abraham Lincoln
There are a large number of penguins living at the South Pole in the novel
The home of Ned Land is in Quebec, Canada
The attack on this ship set Aronnax’s quest for a sea monster in motion
The name of the island that the Crespo forest was near was the Rocca de la Plata, or “the silver rock”
Dr. Aronnax has a scare when he wakes up to a sea-spider on his excursion to Crespo island’s underwater forests
The Nautilus travels through the dangerous Torres straits during their adventures

Community Dogs with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Names